The University Archives is the official repository for the historical records of all three campuses of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and all of its predecessor bodies. The holdings document the history of Embry-Riddle from its origins in 1926 to the present. These archival collections include corporate records, faculty and staff papers, alumni memorabilia, photographs, audio recordings, video media, and many artifacts including paintings, awards and aviation paraphernalia.

Scholarly Commons hosts a portion of the digitized collection.  Please visit the University Archives website for more content. Image requests and other inquiries can be made through the Contact the University Archives form.

Objectionable Content Disclaimer: Scholarly Commons contains historical documents that aid in the understanding of the development of the aerospace industry and the history of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU). Some images and language that appear in Scholarly Commons reflect historical prejudices, attitudes and norms that may be offensive to a modern audience. Such content is not condoned by ERAU nor is it consistent with university values. For more information, please contact


Browse the University Archives Collections:

#5 British Flying Training School (BFTS)


Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Institute Bulletins

ERAU Course Catalogs

Image Galleries


Oral History Collection