Presenter Information

Gary R. Schomack
Charles E. BeckFollow


Daytona Beach, Florida


The rise of the information age has intensified the need for improved communication. As employers increase the use of teams and telecommuting in the workplace, the need for improved communication also accelerates both in written and oral modes. For oral communication or public speaking, a review of recent literature indicates this renewed emphasis, with numerous articles highlighting the need coming from disciplines ranging from accounting to science, as well as such specialized subgroups as Black educators. Additionally, more and more people are incorporating technology into their presentations, breaking the limitations of projectors, screens, and flipcharts.



Student Public Speaking - Creating With Confidence Breaking Through Barriers

Daytona Beach, Florida

The rise of the information age has intensified the need for improved communication. As employers increase the use of teams and telecommuting in the workplace, the need for improved communication also accelerates both in written and oral modes. For oral communication or public speaking, a review of recent literature indicates this renewed emphasis, with numerous articles highlighting the need coming from disciplines ranging from accounting to science, as well as such specialized subgroups as Black educators. Additionally, more and more people are incorporating technology into their presentations, breaking the limitations of projectors, screens, and flipcharts.