The composition of crew for long duration space mission is critical to safe and successful missions. Unfortunately, there is a limited amount of research relating to team composition. To study the Inp..
The composition of crew for long duration space mission is critical to safe and successful missions. Unfortunately, there is a limited amount of research relating to team composition. To study the Input-Process-Outcome model of team performance, a simulated space habitat known as the Mobile Extreme Environment Research Station (MEERS) will be used to focus on two input variables: the biological sex of the crew (men vs. women) and the personalities of each crew member. These variables will be observed to determine how the mixture of men and women along with their difference personalities can affect team communication, cohesion and performance. Currently, MEERS is undergoing construction to prepare for a four person crew to perform a variety of tasks. While be renovated, an HF4 class is being used to work on different portions of the project (workstations, electrical, habitability, etc.). Also, ECSSE senior design team is creating the communication software that will be used for future simulated missions.