Using the funds given to me by the Spark Grant, I went on a trip to the annual Transportation Research Board meeting where I found research on different problems and research ideas in the transportati..
Using the funds given to me by the Spark Grant, I went on a trip to the annual Transportation Research Board meeting where I found research on different problems and research ideas in the transportation field. I shrank down that information to one poster session which I saw as the most interesting and applicable to me. The research and poster I will analyze was done by Fangjian Yang and Han Luo from the Department of Civil and Environment Engineering at Auburn University. The title of their research was, “Noval Freeway Entry & Exit Ramp Speed Management Strategy”. The research proposes a plan of implementing variable speed limit signs that will adjust on exit/enter ramps on the I-85 in order to reduce the number of accidents caused by potential road hazards and aid in seamless merging of traffic onto and off of the highway. The research accounts for likely responses to the implementation and the possible consequences that will result. The research as a whole was an interesting idea with a good amount of research behind it, but in actuality I believe it will not work because of the difficulty of implementation and the human factor involved with vehicles adhering to speed limits.