A piece set in an unnamed dystopian city in the year 2050. It follows a character named Liam Dane who repairs drones for Amazon. You follow his journey before he sets off to Mars and watch him deal wi..
A piece set in an unnamed dystopian city in the year 2050. It follows a character named Liam Dane who repairs drones for Amazon. You follow his journey before he sets off to Mars and watch him deal with the pain of having lost his daughter.
Hi, my name is Mason Lynch. I am currently studying for my bachelors in Program Management at Embry Riddle. I am a full time civil service employee working as a Helicopter Crew Chief at Patrick Space ..
Hi, my name is Mason Lynch. I am currently studying for my bachelors in Program Management at Embry Riddle. I am a full time civil service employee working as a Helicopter Crew Chief at Patrick Space Base Florida. I like to ride and work on my motorcycle in my free time. As well as work and play on my gaming PC. I also like to travel and watch TV with my wife, Cameron.