Contra-Rotating Propulsion System for Human-Powered Aircraft

Faculty Mentor Name

Gary Yale

Format Preference

Poster Presentation and Demonstration


The Human-Powered Aircraft Project is focused on the design and development of technologies to be used in the next generation of human powered aircraft. Human-powered aircraft are a specific and unique type of aircraft powered by only the physical input its pilot (or pilots) can provide. These aircraft require the use of the most current composite technologies combined with creative engineering solutions to create a strong, efficient, and extremely lightweight design. These engineering solutions involve making an aircraft with a wingspan of a commercial airliner (~120 ft.) that weighs less than 80 pounds and achieves flight using only the 0.35 horsepower that its human pilot can provide. The current focus of the Human-Powered Aircraft Project is to explore the effectiveness of contra-rotating propellers for improving the efficiency and flight qualities of human powered aircraft. It is expected that the new propeller design will increase efficiency of the propulsion system and aircraft stability while reducing overall aircraft size. The team has already created a prototype of the contra-rotating gearbox and is in the process of fabricating the propellers and test stand. The prototype has served as a proof of concept proving the idea that a simple light and efficient contra-rotating gearbox can be developed. By May 2016, full-scale tests will be used to compare the efficiency of the contra-rotating system to the conventional single-propeller design.

Poster Presentation and Demonstration




Start Date

4-8-2016 1:00 PM

End Date

4-8-2016 3:00 PM


Apr 8th, 1:00 PM Apr 8th, 3:00 PM

Contra-Rotating Propulsion System for Human-Powered Aircraft


The Human-Powered Aircraft Project is focused on the design and development of technologies to be used in the next generation of human powered aircraft. Human-powered aircraft are a specific and unique type of aircraft powered by only the physical input its pilot (or pilots) can provide. These aircraft require the use of the most current composite technologies combined with creative engineering solutions to create a strong, efficient, and extremely lightweight design. These engineering solutions involve making an aircraft with a wingspan of a commercial airliner (~120 ft.) that weighs less than 80 pounds and achieves flight using only the 0.35 horsepower that its human pilot can provide. The current focus of the Human-Powered Aircraft Project is to explore the effectiveness of contra-rotating propellers for improving the efficiency and flight qualities of human powered aircraft. It is expected that the new propeller design will increase efficiency of the propulsion system and aircraft stability while reducing overall aircraft size. The team has already created a prototype of the contra-rotating gearbox and is in the process of fabricating the propellers and test stand. The prototype has served as a proof of concept proving the idea that a simple light and efficient contra-rotating gearbox can be developed. By May 2016, full-scale tests will be used to compare the efficiency of the contra-rotating system to the conventional single-propeller design.

Poster Presentation and Demonstration