Start Date

4-1969 8:00 AM


The advent of earth orbiting satellites has brought us the capability to distribute television to large audiences quickly, easily, and economically. Although early television distribution satellites required large ground receivers, proposals have now been made for satellite systems requiring only small, comparatively inexpensive receivers. In the future, homes throughout a nation may receive television programming directly from a satellite through use of small outdoor antennas connected to conventional television sets.

Almost as soon as the capability to have such a system was recognized, its use to distribute educational television to mass audiences was suggested. To date, many studies have been made as to the characteristics of an educational television satellite system. Usually, however, these studies have concentrated upon the technical aspects of the system. The studies often neglect to investigate completely the need for the system and the objectives of the system. Proper evaluation of the system would also consider the interrelated aspects of programming to be provided, audience acceptance, management, and costs and funding --- all related to the specific technical system proposed.


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Apr 1st, 8:00 AM

EDUSAT -An Educational Television Satellite System for the United States

The advent of earth orbiting satellites has brought us the capability to distribute television to large audiences quickly, easily, and economically. Although early television distribution satellites required large ground receivers, proposals have now been made for satellite systems requiring only small, comparatively inexpensive receivers. In the future, homes throughout a nation may receive television programming directly from a satellite through use of small outdoor antennas connected to conventional television sets.

Almost as soon as the capability to have such a system was recognized, its use to distribute educational television to mass audiences was suggested. To date, many studies have been made as to the characteristics of an educational television satellite system. Usually, however, these studies have concentrated upon the technical aspects of the system. The studies often neglect to investigate completely the need for the system and the objectives of the system. Proper evaluation of the system would also consider the interrelated aspects of programming to be provided, audience acceptance, management, and costs and funding --- all related to the specific technical system proposed.


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