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Wednesday, April 1st
8:00 AM

A Model for Enveloping Space Station Logistics Requirements

K. M. Seiser, Wyle Laboratories
R. E. Giuntini, Wyle Laboratories

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Camera Expert System for Space Station Communications and Tracking System Management

Michael Crone, Harris Corporation, P .0. Box 98000 Melbourne, Florida 32901
Paul Julich, Harris Corporation, P .0. Box 98000 Melbourne, Florida 32901

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Design and Development of a Computer Assisted Ground Control Technique for Space Station Robotics

Carl R. Konkel, Phillip E. Harmon Teledyne Brown Engineering Cummings Research Park Huntsville, Alabama

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Space Station Ground Data Management System

Jan Heuser, Chief, Systems Integration Branch Engineering Development Kennedy Space Center- NASA
William Sloan, Systems Integration Branch Engineering Development Kennedy Space Center, NASA

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Spacehab: A Manned Space Station Test Bed

Robert Citron, Spacehab, Inc.
Thomas C. Taylor, Spacehab, Inc.

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Technology Advancements to I mp rove Crew Productivity in Space

Melanie M. Mankamyer, Engineer/Scientist Space Station Program McDonn~ll Douglas Astronautics Company Huntmgton Beach, California 92647

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