
Howard Johnson Plaza-Hotel, Atlantis/ Discovery Rooms

Start Date

25-4-1991 1:00 PM

End Date

25-4-1991 4:00 PM


The aerospace industry relies heavily on developing and implementing cutting-edge technology. To accomplish this, the industry needs employees whose education prepares them adequately for its tasks. There seem to be, therefore, two major workforce challenges facing the industry as it moves toward the year 2000:

1. Utilizing the present workforce

2. Preparing the future workforce

Aerospace companies are already matching the most highly qualified members of their workforces with unit functions. Those members who want to* continue to be valuable will need to krrp their skills and knowledge not only as current and specific to the job as possible but also braod enough to enable them to fill other assignments. ' Companies who want to keep their workforces compatible with their goals will need to continue and also to expand their variety of in-house training programs and incentives for outside educational opportunities.


Space Education

Session Chairman: Barbara Morgan, NASA’s “Teacher in Space” Designee, NASA, Education Affairs Office, NASA Headquarters, Washington, D.C.

Session Organizer: Gerard Ventre, Acting Director, Space Education and Research Center, University of Central Florida, Orlando FL


Apr 25th, 1:00 PM Apr 25th, 4:00 PM

Paper Session III-A - Workforce 2000 and Its Education Implications for Space Organizations

Howard Johnson Plaza-Hotel, Atlantis/ Discovery Rooms

The aerospace industry relies heavily on developing and implementing cutting-edge technology. To accomplish this, the industry needs employees whose education prepares them adequately for its tasks. There seem to be, therefore, two major workforce challenges facing the industry as it moves toward the year 2000:

1. Utilizing the present workforce

2. Preparing the future workforce

Aerospace companies are already matching the most highly qualified members of their workforces with unit functions. Those members who want to* continue to be valuable will need to krrp their skills and knowledge not only as current and specific to the job as possible but also braod enough to enable them to fill other assignments. ' Companies who want to keep their workforces compatible with their goals will need to continue and also to expand their variety of in-house training programs and incentives for outside educational opportunities.


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