
Treasure Island Inn Daytona Beach, Florida


AB the Twentieth Century began, there was a traditional posture evident in higher education in the United States. For those males whose families could afford it, beginning college immediately following high school provided a liberal arts education. For select 21 year old college graduates, specialization in a professional field was available in graduate school. For the remainder of America's youth, and nearly all of its women, high school graduation was the highest academic pinnacle they might obtain for the remainder of their life.



The Development of Andragogical Techniques of Instruction for Adult Education

Treasure Island Inn Daytona Beach, Florida

AB the Twentieth Century began, there was a traditional posture evident in higher education in the United States. For those males whose families could afford it, beginning college immediately following high school provided a liberal arts education. For select 21 year old college graduates, specialization in a professional field was available in graduate school. For the remainder of America's youth, and nearly all of its women, high school graduation was the highest academic pinnacle they might obtain for the remainder of their life.