
Daytona Beach, Florida


As perceptions increase in number, the student assembles them into larger blocks. Without new experience, there can be no new perceptions, but, as previous input is organized, related, and associated, an active cognitive process called insight may occur.

The mind actively processes the information received into new forms. Insight may result in inspirational solutions to problems. Insight contains the ability to apply solutions previously learned to new problems, or to generalize. Forgetting is less of a problem because there are more anchor points. For instruction to be efficient, the information must be presented in a meaningful way which assists the student's organization and association. It is very difficult to recall disorganized or unrelated information. Pointing out relationships, providing a secure environment in which to learn, and helping the student maintain a favorable self-concept are most important in fostering insights. The student's task of remembering the material is made much easier by organized presentation and directed practice.



Instructional Concepts and Techniques for the Flight and aviation Maintenance Instructor

Daytona Beach, Florida

As perceptions increase in number, the student assembles them into larger blocks. Without new experience, there can be no new perceptions, but, as previous input is organized, related, and associated, an active cognitive process called insight may occur.

The mind actively processes the information received into new forms. Insight may result in inspirational solutions to problems. Insight contains the ability to apply solutions previously learned to new problems, or to generalize. Forgetting is less of a problem because there are more anchor points. For instruction to be efficient, the information must be presented in a meaningful way which assists the student's organization and association. It is very difficult to recall disorganized or unrelated information. Pointing out relationships, providing a secure environment in which to learn, and helping the student maintain a favorable self-concept are most important in fostering insights. The student's task of remembering the material is made much easier by organized presentation and directed practice.