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Rachel Swan, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University |
Age Analysis of NGC 2168 Cluster using BASE-9 Software Skylar G. Butler, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University |
An Efficient and Data-driven Learning Algorithm to Evaluate Facial Recognition Kaitlyn Cavanaugh |
Hannah C. Woodruff, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University |
Hassan Alsmery |
Core-collapse Supernovae Particle Physics Interactions within Simulations Skylar G. Butler, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University |
Design and Development of Components for a Jumping-Type Dynamic Climbing Robot Colin Ehrhardt |
Michael Lambert |
Dual-layer Capacitance Self Healing-based Sensor for Enhanced Pressure Detection Michael Ricciardella |
Effects of Nozzle Pressure Ratios on the Aerodynamics and Performance of Rocket Engines Grayson Hayes, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University |
Enhancing Active Detection Using Semi-Supervised Contrastive Learning in Remote Sensing Sirio Jansen-Sanchez |
Enhancing the Performance of Adhoc On demand distance vector(Aodv) Routing Protocol using AI Prachi Choudhary |
Grace Lynn Gratton |
Evaluation of Writing Center Technologies Across Multiple Campuses Jacob Pritchard |
Examination of Solar Canopies on ERAU Campus Parking Lots Athena Diakatos |
Exploring ERAU Fleet Airspace Utilization Using ADS-B Data Rodrigo Dieguez Novo |
Exploring the Dynamics and Impacts of Failed Teamwork on the Flight Deck: A Case Study Landon S. Cone, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University |
Nicholas Sears |
Finite Element-Based Physics Informed Neural Networks Anthony Lore Starleaf |
"Hammerhead" Winglet Design (Full Text of Presentation) Noah Evans |
Magnetic Actuation Chamber System (MACS) Brian Davies II, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University |
Phonological Insights for Synthetic Speech: A Transformer-Driven Phoneme Evaluation Approach Sarah Reynolds |
Rithika Nagarajan |
James Tyler Deal |
Shattering Reality's Limits with the Revolutionary Potential of AR and VR Joel Corrales |
Supporting Formal Methods for Machine Learning Verification in Urban Air Mobility Alexandra Davidoff, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University |
Trust and Confidence in Aviation Safety Oversight: Comparing Scales of Public Perception Mubina Shaik |
Using Stellar Kinematics of White Dwarfs to Obtain the Star Formation History of the Milky Way Allyson Woodruff, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University |
Riley Dienna, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University |