An Empirical Daisy Chain Method for Determining Wide Binary Star Ages Based on Cluster Data

Aldir Moreira


Determining the age of any star is one of the most difficult challenges in astrophysics. Gyrochronology is the observed correlation between a star’s period of rotation and its age. We are using wide stellar binary pairs in an attempt to calibrate the rotation-age relation. Components in each pair are the same age and so should have rotation periods commensurate with the gyrochronology paradigm.

We are experimenting with a “daisy chaining” method, which has the potential to map a band of constant age across the plot of rotation period vs. color index (a proxy for age) using wide binary pairs. Preliminary results suggest the approach can establish a net pattern along a band of constant age, known as a “gyrochrone.” Once tied to absolute ages defined by star clusters, the approach may provide age estimates for single field stars.


An Empirical Daisy Chain Method for Determining Wide Binary Star Ages Based on Cluster Data

Determining the age of any star is one of the most difficult challenges in astrophysics. Gyrochronology is the observed correlation between a star’s period of rotation and its age. We are using wide stellar binary pairs in an attempt to calibrate the rotation-age relation. Components in each pair are the same age and so should have rotation periods commensurate with the gyrochronology paradigm.

We are experimenting with a “daisy chaining” method, which has the potential to map a band of constant age across the plot of rotation period vs. color index (a proxy for age) using wide binary pairs. Preliminary results suggest the approach can establish a net pattern along a band of constant age, known as a “gyrochrone.” Once tied to absolute ages defined by star clusters, the approach may provide age estimates for single field stars.