<p><a href="https://commons.erau.edu/">Scholarly Commons</a> is an open access digital repository for the research, scholarship, and creative works of the faculty, students and staff of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. <strong>ERAU Scholarly Commons Exhibits</strong> is a collection of sites that highlights the work published in Scholarly Commons.</p>

Featured Exhibits

Night Flight: Online Literary Journal
Night Flight: Online Literary Journal
The Student Research Symposium Virtual Exhibit
The Student Research Symposium Virtual Exhibit
Discovery Day - Daytona Beach
Discovery Day - Daytona Beach

All Exhibits

President's Art Exhibit
President's Art Exhibit
Eagle Veterans Virtual Exhibit
Eagle Veterans Virtual Exhibit
Night Flight: Online Literary Journal
Night Flight: Online Literary Journal
ERAU Open Education Week
ERAU Open Education Week
The Student Research Symposium Virtual Exhibit
The Student Research Symposium Virtual Exhibit
Discovery Day - Daytona Beach
Discovery Day - Daytona Beach