Right now, around the world, discussions have ensued on how space should be managed. Space traffic management is essential to the space industry because in the near future, commercial companies will b..
Right now, around the world, discussions have ensued on how space should be managed. Space traffic management is essential to the space industry because in the near future, commercial companies will be carrying space tourists. Guidelines should be formulated for emergency situations before human commercial spaceflight gains momentum. These guidelines should consider the classification of accidents to find areas that need improvement in space traffic management. Space stations and satellites with camera capabilities can address emergencies that occur from a debris strike, by analyzing and assessing the damage with onboard cameras. Usage of space stations can include docking with a spacecraft to resolve any technical errors or structural problems with heat shields to ensure successful reentry into the atmosphere. This is under the assumption that all orbital conditions align. In addition to including universal docking capabilities for spacecraft, it is important to consider creating an addendum which requires all spacecraft to have the capability to land on either water or on land. The Outer Space Treaty has created an international space community and needs to continue doing so by defining what it means to be an astronaut. This would ensure the protection of space tourists and in turn, the future of space tourism.