The Satellite Autonomous Launch and Assembly (SATLASS) project is one of the few projects within the on campus extracurricular clubs named Embry Riddle Orbital Research Association (ERORA). The member..
The Satellite Autonomous Launch and Assembly (SATLASS) project is one of the few projects within the on campus extracurricular clubs named Embry Riddle Orbital Research Association (ERORA). The members of SATLASS aim to develop a reusable cold gas propelled 3U CubeSat deployer. We aim to develop and test our cold gas propulsion system using Nitrogen gas and perform an experiment using three different nozzle geometries. The SATLASS cold gas propulsion system will be tested on its feasibility of being reusable and aid in the understanding of which nozzle geometry will reach supersonic regimes and output the amount of thrust theoretically found. Ultimately, the Nitrogen gas fueled propulsion system used in our testing will aid in the final design of our CubeSat deployer.