This fiction was the most fun I have ever had with writing as I could express my thoughts and images in my own manner and shape it into something that others can enjoy. The name Thoruum was a randomly..
This fiction was the most fun I have ever had with writing as I could express my thoughts and images in my own manner and shape it into something that others can enjoy. The name Thoruum was a randomly chosen name that sounded as if it had a strong meaning to it. Lizah was to somewhat interpret an evil being or personality as she is possessed by the Monarch. This story will bring you through the journey of Thoruum as she discovers a town plagued with a mysterious and corrupt power that nobody has been willing or able to stop, until now.
I grew up in the swamps of Louisiana, with not much to do. I would either fish, hunt or read books. Reading was never really my forte until I picked up a few fantasy fiction books. My favorites ..
I grew up in the swamps of Louisiana, with not much to do. I would either fish, hunt or read books. Reading was never really my forte until I picked up a few fantasy fiction books. My favorites were Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings. After reading and watching them time and time again throughout my childhood and honestly, my adult life as well, I could never stray from reading fantasy. I decided to write my creative expression as a fantasy fiction from the ground up. I made the foundation from scratch, giving it its own country and setting. I did not feel the need to describe if the country was European or whatever the case may be, as it is its own thing.