


Latrogenic Insecurity: A Legacy of Marie Jahoda — May 18, 2001
IBPP Editor

This article describes the security relevance of an article published 45 years ago by the recently deceased social psychologist, Marie Jahoda.


Organizational Demonization: The FBI as Sinner — May 18, 2001
IBPP Editor

This article describes several descriptive attributions that might "explain" the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) not providing all available information relevant to criminal cases to parties legally authorized to receive such information.


The Politics of Changing Sexual Orientation — May 18, 2001
IBPP Editor

This article identifies cognitions of value that permeate political discourse on the scientific validity of intentionally changing sexual orientation via clinical methods.

IBPP Research Associates


IBPP Research Associates: Namibia — May 18, 2001
Oiva Angula - Namibia Economist

The article - Satellite receivers link Bushmen to the outside world, by Oiva Angula - was published for the May 17, 2001 issue of Namibia Economist: Custodian of Business Intelligence. It may not be included in Scholarly Commons due to copyright restrictions.

The article discusses some of the logistics of providing telephone service telephone service in the Tsumkwe constituency, formerly known as Bushmanland, in Namibia.



Trends. Cyberpsychology and Self-Identity — May 18, 2001
IBPP Editor

This article discusses the spread of the internet and its impact on individuals, groups, and organizations via the lens of cyberpsychology research. At issue is whether the internet will lead to a transnational universalism and abolish inequities where they exist, or to a darker future of narcissism and isolation.


Trends. Diplomats Acting Badly in the 21st Century: Not Doing as Doing, Weakness as Strength, Ecce Reward — May 18, 2001
IBPP Editor

This article discusses the order of action vs. reward in twenty-first century diplomacy.