"Answers to Questions - Martin Wieser" by Martin Wieser and Richard W. Bloom


This Scholarly Commons record provides the transcript of the interview IBPP editor Dr. Richard Bloom conducted with Dr. Martin Wieser of Sigmund Freud Private University Berlin on March 2, 2019.

With the publication of Dr. Wieser’s “Psychology in National Socialism [Psychologie im Nationalsozialismus] at Sigmund Freud Private University Berlin, July 27–28, 2018” in History of Psychology, 22(1), 107-109., the IBPP Editor requested that the author provide responses to questions…and Dr. Wieser graciously accepted.

Guest Biography

Dr. Wieser is Assistenzprofessor für Theorie & Geschichte der Psychologie, Department Psychologie, Sigmund Freud PrivatUniversität, Berlin, Deutschland. Titles of his publications include “Psychology’s ‘Crisis’ and the Need for Reflection. A Plea for Modesty in Psychological Theorizing’…and with Thomas Sulencko “(Theories are) More than words. Why images are significant to theoretical psychology” as well as “Images of the invisible: An account of iconic media in the history of psychology”.
