"An Addition to the History of Psychoanalysis: An Encounter between Z.V. Togan and S. Freud" by IBPP Editor


This article was submitted to IBPP by Dr. H.B. Paksoy concerning the historian Z. V. Togan. It is taken--with appropriate permission--from Z. V. Togan's Hatiralar (Memoirs) as translated by Dr. Paksoy and published in Paksoy's Central Asia Reader: The rediscovery of history. (NY/London: M.E. Sharpe, 1994). (Ed.). ISBN 1-56324-201-X (hardcover)/ISBN 1-56324-202-8 (paperback). Dr. Paksoy's translation was developed to preserve Togan's syntax. What follows is brief introductory material about Dr. Paksoy and Z.V. Togan, then the article entitled A Poem of Mother's and Freud, and finally a brief commentary by IBPP.
