"A Dictator's Errors" by IBPP Editor


With this article, IBPP initiates a series written by Ismael Sambra Haber. Sambra has published poetry, short stories, literary criticism, and essays in both Cuban and international magazines and journals. He also has worked as a stage actor and as a consultant, screenwriter, actor, and director of Tele Turquino. Sambra has published Para Ti Mujer (For You, Woman), Coleccion Plegables, 1978; Las Cinco Plumas y la Luz del Sol (The Five Feathers and the Sun Light), Editorial Oriente, 1987; Para No Ser Leido en Recital (Not to be Read at a Poetry Reading or Recital), Editorial Oriente, 1991; and Remolino de Luz (Whirl of Light), Editorial Oriente, 1992. He founded the literary magazines Museo and El Grupo. Sambra's book of essays, El Unico Marti: Principal Opositor a la Tirania de Castro (The Unique Marti: Principal Opponent to Castro's Tyranny), has recently been published by La Otra Cuba, Mexico City.
