"IBPP Research Associates. Turkey" by Ustun Reinart

From the IBPP Research Associates. Turkey


Ustun Reinart


In the United States, there has been significant interest about the chances of a female candidate for the presidency--Elizabeth Dole. The question is what kind of national political and governmental leader a female would make. Countries as diverse as The United Kingdom, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Norway, and the People's Republic of China can already provide empirical data on this question.

The IBPP article - Ambition for all Seasons: Tansu Ciller, by Ustun Reinart - concerns Turkey and Tansu Ciller. It was previously posted in the Arabic Electronic Mail Journal. The article itself was adapted from a version appearing in Women's International Net (WIN) Magazine at http://welcome.to/winmagazine, which is no longer available.

Complete text of the article may be found online at:
