"IBPP Research Associates: Sri Lanka" by Sunil Jayasiri and Champika Fernando

IBPP Research Associates: Sri Lanka


This article - Brothel Raids Hotting Up by Sunil Jayasiri and Champika Fernando - originally appeared in the Sri Lankan online newspaper Midweek Mirror (which became the Daily Mirror (http://www.dailymirror.lk/) after this article was published). The authors discuss the interface of prostitution, the law, and law enforcement as well as the number of seemingly commonalities throughout the world.

While the article could not be provided for download due copyright restrictions, the IBPP provided the following comments:

The interface of prostitution, the law, and law enforcement seems to have a number of commonalities throughout the world. Laws and law enforcement policies on prostitution fluctuate with changes in elected and non-elected officials, movers and shakers in a community or polis, and unexpected events. These changes seem to largely reflect personal predilections, ambitions, and ideologies of those in power, with power, or desiring more power and often breed a weakening of the respect for the law and the rule of law. This weakening is further reinforced when inevitably some of those seeking a ratcheting up of law and law enforcement strategies and tactics are prostitution clients-- as are some of the polis who egg them on. The historical cycles of legal and law enforcement crackdowns and let ups regarding prostitution defy rational and logical analysis and may be an advertisement for at least the face validity of psychological constructs such as the unconscious, defense mechanisms, and primary process of psychoanalysis; the collective unconscious, archetypes, and shadow of analytic (Jungian) psychology.

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