"IBPP Research Associates: Tonga" by His Royal Highness Prince Ulukala Lavaka Ata - Tonga Minister for Foreign Affairs

IBPP Research Associates: Tonga


This article refers to a statement by His Royal Highness Prince Ulukala Lavaka Ata, Tonga Minister for Foreign Affairs at the 54th General Assembly of the United Nations. Originally published in Tonga Online, the full text of this statement may be found starting on p. 16 of United Nations General Assembly Fifty-Fourth Session, 1st plenary meeting document from Tuesday, 14 September 1999 (https://undocs.org/en/A/54/PV.1).

Due to UN copyright restrictions, the article is not available for download here.

IBPP Commentary. As the heading of Tonga Online states, the Millennium starts with us. Not only may this be the case in a temporal sense, but also in a substantive one. The Minister for Foreign Affairs has cited the importance of belonging to various multilateral organizations. The Minister has recognized the need to successfully maintain the oceans--a significant environmental concern throughout the world. The need for sustainable economic development is cited--a concern of all United Nations (UN) members. The vagaries of nature are alluded to as well as these vagaries' noxious consequences--especially apt as the present Millennium ends with at least three earthquake disasters in Turkey, Greece, and Taiwan. 2 International Bulletin of Political Psychology, Vol. 7, Iss. 12 [1999], Art. 3 https://commons.erau.edu/ibpp/vol7/iss12/3 International Bulletin of Political Psychology 3 Perhaps most importantly, the need to maintain and rely on cultural traditions in a globalizing world is expressed--something especially relevant to political leaders, followers, and so-called political atheists and agnostics alike. The Tonga statement may not have received the press coverage of the UN Secretary General's speech of that of the United State President, but it may be an accurate forecaster of 21st century's Issues and concerns.
