D.D. Reflects on how 9/11 Affected him Personally

Presenter / Creator Information

D. D.

Document Type

Personal Reflection

What were you doing on 9/11? (Or, What was your interviewee doing on 9/11?)

Hold-up at the Granite Dells Lodge, Prescott AZ, finishing lab reports for my electrical engineering degree.

How did 9/11 affect you personally and or professionally?

It limited open access to the US-Congress and drew my Kurdish friends from Norwich Univ. into the resulting war.

On 9/11, what sector were you (OR your interviewee) in?

Education – Student

On 9/11 what was your (OR your interviewee’s) occupation? (optional)

Engineering Student & Space Activist


Event Location


D.D. Reflects on how 9/11 Affected him Personally

It limited open access to the US-Congress and drew my Kurdish friends from Norwich Univ. into the resulting war.