Start Date

4-1987 8:00 AM


The European Retrievable Carrier is currently undergoing its development phase and Will be launched and deployed by the Shuttle in early 1991. After having performed its 6 months mis-· s ion EURE CA wi 11 descend from its operat i ona 1 a 1 ti tude of 500 km and wi 11 rendez-vous with the Shutt 1 e at 300 km to be returned to the earth. The EURECA payload for its first mission is primarily dedicated to the field of microgravity sciences a 1 though it al so carries astrophysics experiments and technological experiments in the field of electrical propulsion and intersatellite communications in the KA band region.

Since the concept of a smal 1 retrievable carrier offers the advantage of frequent and economical reflight ESA has initiated a number of studies which proved the usefulness and flexibility of the EURECA concept to support basic research and technology development activities in various scientific and technical disciplines.

This paper summarizes the resu 1 ts of the various studies performed so far and informs about the major characteristics of the proposed enhancement to the present carrier concept which are intended to be implemented on the second flight model of EURECA which is to be procured as part of the COLUMBUS program.


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Apr 1st, 8:00 AM

Enhanced Eureca Configuration/Operations

The European Retrievable Carrier is currently undergoing its development phase and Will be launched and deployed by the Shuttle in early 1991. After having performed its 6 months mis-· s ion EURE CA wi 11 descend from its operat i ona 1 a 1 ti tude of 500 km and wi 11 rendez-vous with the Shutt 1 e at 300 km to be returned to the earth. The EURECA payload for its first mission is primarily dedicated to the field of microgravity sciences a 1 though it al so carries astrophysics experiments and technological experiments in the field of electrical propulsion and intersatellite communications in the KA band region.

Since the concept of a smal 1 retrievable carrier offers the advantage of frequent and economical reflight ESA has initiated a number of studies which proved the usefulness and flexibility of the EURECA concept to support basic research and technology development activities in various scientific and technical disciplines.

This paper summarizes the resu 1 ts of the various studies performed so far and informs about the major characteristics of the proposed enhancement to the present carrier concept which are intended to be implemented on the second flight model of EURECA which is to be procured as part of the COLUMBUS program.


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