
Radisson Resort at the Port, Convention Center, Jamaica Room

Start Date

3-5-2001 1:00 PM


The JOSE (JASON Outreach Seed Experiment) payload was the first plant study conducted on Space Station Alpha. The experiment consisted of having an on-orbit watering of eight seed pouches, each of which contained either six soybean or six corn seeds glued to a germination paper substrate. Two pouches containing corn plus two pouches containing soybean seeds were maintained in the light after watering. Two additional seed pouches of each species were maintained in the dark after watering. Digital photography was used to document the growth of the germinating seedlings in space. The images were down-linked and posted to a world wide web site for dissemination to students. Details relating to the experimental design are presented. "Within" species differences (between the light and dark grown seedlings) as well as "between" species differences (comparing corn and soybean) were observed.


Paper Session III-B - Scientific Enlightenment - Knowledge Gained from Space.

Session Chair: John Bartoe, Research Manager, Space Station Program, NASA/JSC

Session Organizer: Vicki Miletello, NASA/JPMO


May 3rd, 1:00 PM

Paper Session III-B - Soybean and Corn Seed Germination in Space: The First Plant Study Conducted on Space Station Alpha

Radisson Resort at the Port, Convention Center, Jamaica Room

The JOSE (JASON Outreach Seed Experiment) payload was the first plant study conducted on Space Station Alpha. The experiment consisted of having an on-orbit watering of eight seed pouches, each of which contained either six soybean or six corn seeds glued to a germination paper substrate. Two pouches containing corn plus two pouches containing soybean seeds were maintained in the light after watering. Two additional seed pouches of each species were maintained in the dark after watering. Digital photography was used to document the growth of the germinating seedlings in space. The images were down-linked and posted to a world wide web site for dissemination to students. Details relating to the experimental design are presented. "Within" species differences (between the light and dark grown seedlings) as well as "between" species differences (comparing corn and soybean) were observed.


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