Food Recovery Network
Presentation Type
Daytona Beach
Student Year and Major
Senior Civil Engineering
Start Date
28-1-2020 11:00 AM
End Date
28-1-2020 2:00 PM
Organization, if requesting a table
Food Recovery Network
Presentation Description/Abstract
Table set up to inform of the Food Recovery Network, a program initiated on campus in Spring 2019, is ready to begin recovery. The Food Recovery Network on campus student chapter is set to take food from the line that would otherwise be thrown away, and donate it to the local halifax center where they can serve the food. If food waste was a country it would be #3 in greenhouse gas emissions. I will be working with the food recovery network to get official hand outs as well as the volunteer network, who is currently the network in charge of the program, to get student involvement via the table as well as just let the community know about the programs arrival to campus!
A very popular tag line is feed people, not landfills.
Food Recovery Network
Food Recovery Network
Table set up to inform of the Food Recovery Network, a program initiated on campus in Spring 2019, is ready to begin recovery. The Food Recovery Network on campus student chapter is set to take food from the line that would otherwise be thrown away, and donate it to the local halifax center where they can serve the food. If food waste was a country it would be #3 in greenhouse gas emissions. I will be working with the food recovery network to get official hand outs as well as the volunteer network, who is currently the network in charge of the program, to get student involvement via the table as well as just let the community know about the programs arrival to campus!
A very popular tag line is feed people, not landfills.
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