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- School Honors Pres. Vargas
- Stokely Elected President of Instructors' Council
- William Agricola Bids Adieu To Friends
- The World's Fighting Airplanes
- What Did You Do Today
- O Que Voce Fez Hoje?
- Robert E. Hoose and Armand Williams
- The Innocents Abroad
- Tiradentes, Martyr of the Brazilian Independence
- Arnold Receives Another Gold Medal
- Instructors' School
- Sandy Saunders' Sports Comments
- The Students' Keyhole
- Seccao Dos Cadetes Estudantes
- "Noticias Dos: Estudantes"
- "Anor Patrio"
- "Retrospecto"
- "Caninho Da Vida"
- The Students' Keyhole
- School Honors Pres. Vargas
Publication Date
Embry-Riddle School of Aviation
Sao Paulo
Scholarly Commons Citation
Embry-Riddle School of Aviation, "Embry-Riddle Papel Pega-Mosca 1944-04" (1944). Papel Pega-Mosca. 116.