- Comandante Da 4 Zona Aerea
- Brigadeiro Do Ar Appel Netto
- Brig. Appel Netto True Friend of Escola Tecnica de Aviacao
- Newly Arrived Instructors From Miami
- What's Fazing
- Guaruja
- Seccao dos Cadetes Estudantes
- Saturday Morning Inspection by the Colonel and Staff
- The Basic Hand Tool Course
- The World's Fighting Airplanes
- Os Avioes De Combate Do Mundo
- In Which We Take A Trip To Caldas
- The Cadet Bugle Corps
- Papel-Pega Mosca Sports Comments
- Language Taught Cadets Used in Technical Subjects
- The Students' Keyhole
Publication Date
Embry-Riddle School of Aviation
Sao Paulo
Scholarly Commons Citation
Embry-Riddle School of Aviation, "Embry-Riddle Papel Pega-Mosca 1944-06" (1944). Papel Pega-Mosca. 95.