

In this paper, the Servicescape theory was employed as the conceptual framework to (a) investigate the live airport experiences of passengers with an HD and (b) understand the negative experiences of passengers within the airport's physical environment. The authors collected the electronic word-of-mouth statements of 203 travelers from the TripAdvisor website. The data generated were analyzed using thematic analysis. Common themes found from the analysis included (1) human interaction, (2) services, and (3) terminal design. This paper offers insight into airport navigational challenges faced by travellers with an HD at various stages within the airport. These findings have practical implications for airport operators and decision-makers implementing a Hidden Disability Assistance Program. The results may help airport operators, including airlines, understand passenger-customer interaction issues. Findings may equally help airport operators, while addressing identified challenges, to offer appropriate support effectively and efficiently to travellers with an HD when transiting through airports.

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