Scholarly Commons - Annual ADFSL Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law: Investigating Information Structure of Phishing Emails Based on Persuasive Communication Perspective

Proposal / Submission Type

Peer Reviewed Paper


Arlington, Virginia


Current approaches of phishing filters depend on classifying messages based on textually discernable features such as IP-based URLs or domain names as those features that can be easily extracted from a given phishing message. However, in the same sense, those easily perceptible features can be easily manipulated by sophisticated phishers. Therefore, it is important that universal patterns of phishing messages should be identified for feature extraction to serve as a basis for text classification. In this paper, we demonstrate that user perception regarding phishing message can be identified in central and peripheral routes of information processing. We also present a method of formulating quantitative model that can represent persuasive information structure in phishing messages. This paper makes contribution to phishing classification research by presenting the idea of universal information structure in terms of persuasive communication theories.


Session Chair: Il-Yeol Song



Investigating Information Structure of Phishing Emails Based on Persuasive Communication Perspective

Arlington, Virginia

Current approaches of phishing filters depend on classifying messages based on textually discernable features such as IP-based URLs or domain names as those features that can be easily extracted from a given phishing message. However, in the same sense, those easily perceptible features can be easily manipulated by sophisticated phishers. Therefore, it is important that universal patterns of phishing messages should be identified for feature extraction to serve as a basis for text classification. In this paper, we demonstrate that user perception regarding phishing message can be identified in central and peripheral routes of information processing. We also present a method of formulating quantitative model that can represent persuasive information structure in phishing messages. This paper makes contribution to phishing classification research by presenting the idea of universal information structure in terms of persuasive communication theories.