Wednesday, May 19, 2010 | 2010 Proceedings

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Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Wednesday, May 19th
8:00 AM


Digital Forensics, Security and Law

St. Paul, Minnesota

8:00 AM

9:00 AM

Welcome and Introductions

Glenn S. Dardick
Jigang Liu
Larry Gottschalk
Brad Rubin

St. Paul, Minnesota

9:00 AM

9:15 AM

Developing VoIP Honeypots: a Preliminary Investigation into Malfeasant Activity

Craig Valli, Secau – Security Research Centre, Edith Cowan University Perth, Western Australia

St. Paul, Minnesota

9:15 AM

9:15 AM

HiGate (High Grade Anti‐Tamper Equipment) Prototype and Application to e‐Discovery

Yui Sakurai, The Dept. of Information Systems and Multimedia Design, School of Engineering, Tokyo Denki University
Yuki Ashino, NEC Corporation, Service platform Institute
Tetsutaro Uehara, Associate Professor, Academic Information Media Center, Kyoto University
Hiroshi Yoshiura, Professor, The University of Electro-Communications
Ryoichi Sasaki, Professor, Tokyo Denki University

St. Paul, Minnesota

9:15 AM

10:15 AM


Digital Forensics, Security and Law

St. Paul, Minnesota

10:15 AM

10:30 AM

A Framework to Integrate the Data of Interview Investigation and Digital Evidence

Fahad Alshathry, De Montfort University, Software Technology Research laboratory (STRL), Leicester, UK

St. Paul, Minnesota

10:30 AM

10:30 AM

Information Security and Security Technologies

Barry Caplin

St. Paul, Minnesota

10:30 AM

10:30 AM

Organizational Handling of Digital Evidence

Sheona A. Hoolachan, HATII, George Service House, 11 University Gardens, Glasgow, Scotland, UK
William B. Glisson, George Service House, 11 University Gardens, Glasgow, Scotland, UK

St. Paul, Minnesota

10:30 AM

12:00 PM

Luncheon Speaker on Computer Forensics in the 21st Century

Chris Andrews, Computer Forensics Specialist, Kroll Ontrack, Minnesota

St. Paul, Minnesota

12:00 PM

1:00 PM

Hard Disk Storage: Firmware Manipulation and Forensic Impact and Current Best Practice

Gareth Davies, Faculty of Advanced Technology, University of Glamorgan
Iain Sutherland, Faculty of Advanced Technology, University of Glamorgan

St. Paul, Minnesota

1:00 PM

1:00 PM

Social Networking: A Boon to Criminals

Tejashree D. Datar, Computer and Information Technology Department, Perdue University
Richard Mislan, Computer and Information Technology Department, Purdue University

St. Paul, Minnesota

1:00 PM

2:30 PM


Digital Forensics, Security and Law

St. Paul, Minnesota

2:30 PM

2:45 PM

Workshop Session on How to Examine Virtual Environments

Diane Barrett

St. Paul, Minnesota

2:45 PM

4:00 PM

Panel Session on Internal Threats: Reality and Challenges

Larry Gottschalk, Metropolitan State University
Eric Lucero, Senior Technical Consultant‐Security, Midwave Corporation
Chris Perkins, Digital Forensic Investigator, Medtronic, Inc.
Darlene M. Tester, Data Privacy Manager/Attorney, Bluestem Brands Inc.
Jeremy D. Wunsch, CEO and founder, LuciData LLC.

St. Paul, Minnesota

4:00 PM

Thursday, May 20th
8:30 AM

On‐site Registration

Digital Forensics, Security and Law

St. Paul, Minnesota

8:30 AM