Scholarly Commons - Annual ADFSL Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law: Identifying Common Characteristics of Malicious Insiders

Proposal / Submission Type

Peer Reviewed Paper


Daytona Beach, Florida

Start Date

21-5-2015 8:30 AM


Malicious insiders account for large proportion of security breaches or other kinds of loss for organizations and have drawn attention of both academics and practitioners. Although methods and mechanism have been developed to monitor potential insider via electronic data monitoring, few studies focus on predicting potential malicious insiders. Based on the theory of planned behavior, certain cues should be observed or expressed when an individual performs as a malicious insider. Using text mining to analyze various media content of existing insider cases, we strive to develop a method to identify crucial and common indicators that an individual might be a malicious insider.

Keywords: malicious insider, insider threat, the theory of planned behavior, text mining


Session Chair: Ezhil S. Kalaimannan, University of West Florida


May 21st, 8:30 AM

Identifying Common Characteristics of Malicious Insiders

Daytona Beach, Florida

Malicious insiders account for large proportion of security breaches or other kinds of loss for organizations and have drawn attention of both academics and practitioners. Although methods and mechanism have been developed to monitor potential insider via electronic data monitoring, few studies focus on predicting potential malicious insiders. Based on the theory of planned behavior, certain cues should be observed or expressed when an individual performs as a malicious insider. Using text mining to analyze various media content of existing insider cases, we strive to develop a method to identify crucial and common indicators that an individual might be a malicious insider.

Keywords: malicious insider, insider threat, the theory of planned behavior, text mining