Scholarly Commons - Annual ADFSL Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law: Anatomy of an Internet Hijack And Interception Attack: A Global And Educational Perspective

Proposal / Submission Type

Peer Reviewed Paper


The Internet’s underlying vulnerable protocol infrastructure is a rich target for cyber crime, cyber espionage and cyber warfare operations. The stability and security of the Internet infrastructure are important to the function of global matters of state, critical infrastructure, global e-commerce and election systems. There are global approaches to tackle Internet security challenges that include governance, law, educational and technical perspectives. This paper reviews a number of approaches to these challenges, the increasingly surgical attacks that target the underlying vulnerable protocol infrastructure of the Internet, and the extant cyber security education curricula; we find the majority of predominant cyber security education frameworks do not address security for the Internet’s critical communication system, the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). Finally, we present a case study as an anatomy of such an attack. The case study can be implemented ethically and safely for educational purposes.



Anatomy of an Internet Hijack And Interception Attack: A Global And Educational Perspective

The Internet’s underlying vulnerable protocol infrastructure is a rich target for cyber crime, cyber espionage and cyber warfare operations. The stability and security of the Internet infrastructure are important to the function of global matters of state, critical infrastructure, global e-commerce and election systems. There are global approaches to tackle Internet security challenges that include governance, law, educational and technical perspectives. This paper reviews a number of approaches to these challenges, the increasingly surgical attacks that target the underlying vulnerable protocol infrastructure of the Internet, and the extant cyber security education curricula; we find the majority of predominant cyber security education frameworks do not address security for the Internet’s critical communication system, the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). Finally, we present a case study as an anatomy of such an attack. The case study can be implemented ethically and safely for educational purposes.