
Mojave East

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The Aviation Safety and Security Archives at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University is an archival repository and technical library focusing on the work of individuals and organizations involved in the advancement of safety and security in aviation.
With holdings that include the papers and libraries of leading figures in aviation safety, the Archives provides access to an unparalleled collection for research and study in aviation safety and accident investigation.
The holdings of the Archives cover a wide range of subjects and disciplines. The sampling of items and topics illustrated here gives a taste of the wealth of resources available to researchers.

Start Date

17-1-2014 5:15 PM


Jan 17th, 5:15 PM

Aviation Safety and Security Archives

Mojave East

The Aviation Safety and Security Archives at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University is an archival repository and technical library focusing on the work of individuals and organizations involved in the advancement of safety and security in aviation.
With holdings that include the papers and libraries of leading figures in aviation safety, the Archives provides access to an unparalleled collection for research and study in aviation safety and accident investigation.
The holdings of the Archives cover a wide range of subjects and disciplines. The sampling of items and topics illustrated here gives a taste of the wealth of resources available to researchers.