Scholarly Commons - Aviation / Aeronautics / Aerospace International Research Conference: Impact of human factors for student pilots in approved flight training organizations in Korea


Mojave West

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Statistics for aviation accidents in Korea show that the safety level of training flights is high. However, of the accidents that do occur, more than 80% occur due to human factors. Furthermore, because most causes of human factors-related accidents are “pilot error,” it is important for student pilots who will transport passengers to develop knowledge of safety and skills associated with human factors risk management to mitigate the risk of such accidents.

To investigate the human factors that affect safety in training student pilots for flight, this study examined the correlation between events that are associated with accidents, differences according to the pilot’s experience level of flight training, and differences between student pilots who received flight training at approved collegiate flight education centers and those who did not. The study was conducted on human factors, focusing on the SHELL model. Using the SPSS software (ver. 17.0), correlation analyses, analyses of variance (ANOVA), and t-tests were conducted to generate statistical results.

Briefly, the results of this study found that a student pilot’s natural ability and equipment in the cockpit are the important factors for safety for pilot on training flights. Additionally, the analysis of the differences between human factors according to the characteristics of student pilots’ groups shows that college student pilots are effected by immanent factors and organizational cultures.

To date, there have been no accidents with related human casualties when training at collegiate “Approved Training Organizations” (ATOs) in Korea. However, accidents can occur at anytime and anywhere. Especially human factors, which cause most aviation accidents, have a wide reach and are impossible to eliminate. Because ATO is the starting point to lead the aviation industry of Korea, awareness of risks and initiatives to improve education/training of human factors is essential.

Start Date

17-1-2014 10:30 AM


Jan 17th, 10:30 AM

Impact of human factors for student pilots in approved flight training organizations in Korea

Mojave West

Statistics for aviation accidents in Korea show that the safety level of training flights is high. However, of the accidents that do occur, more than 80% occur due to human factors. Furthermore, because most causes of human factors-related accidents are “pilot error,” it is important for student pilots who will transport passengers to develop knowledge of safety and skills associated with human factors risk management to mitigate the risk of such accidents.

To investigate the human factors that affect safety in training student pilots for flight, this study examined the correlation between events that are associated with accidents, differences according to the pilot’s experience level of flight training, and differences between student pilots who received flight training at approved collegiate flight education centers and those who did not. The study was conducted on human factors, focusing on the SHELL model. Using the SPSS software (ver. 17.0), correlation analyses, analyses of variance (ANOVA), and t-tests were conducted to generate statistical results.

Briefly, the results of this study found that a student pilot’s natural ability and equipment in the cockpit are the important factors for safety for pilot on training flights. Additionally, the analysis of the differences between human factors according to the characteristics of student pilots’ groups shows that college student pilots are effected by immanent factors and organizational cultures.

To date, there have been no accidents with related human casualties when training at collegiate “Approved Training Organizations” (ATOs) in Korea. However, accidents can occur at anytime and anywhere. Especially human factors, which cause most aviation accidents, have a wide reach and are impossible to eliminate. Because ATO is the starting point to lead the aviation industry of Korea, awareness of risks and initiatives to improve education/training of human factors is essential.