Topic Area
Research on wingsuit aerodynamics requires specialized wind tunnel equipment. There is the potential for the relatively large ram-air inflated fabric airfoils being examined to flap and oscillate uncontrolled in the wind tunnel airflow. This chaotic combination of motion and forces could damage the fragile precision balances currently used. Due to the relatively recent development of wingsuit flight as an active sport, there is very little background literature on wingsuit aerodynamics, wingsuit testing, and the equipment and sensors required. A new balance design, able to accurately measure and record basic lift and drag forces while also being able to withstand the potentially destructive unstable response of flexible fabric airfoils at airspeeds of up to 180 knots was required. An additional requirement was introduced by a severely constrained budget supporting this research.
There are several basic and inexpensive wind tunnel balance designs. Commercially available, highly accurate balances can easily cost $100 thousand. Accurate commercial two or three component balances can cost tens of thousands of dollars. For this research simple balance designs were modified to provide a more robust interface. A simple balance design was developed using capacitance sensors with the required accuracy, and inertial damping was added to reduce the potential of forces generated damaging the balance and sensors. A balance was developed for less than $5000 that is capable of generating the data required for credible wingsuit aerodynamic research. The details of design process, components, assembly, and calibration are presented.
Start Date
16-1-2015 3:30 PM
End Date
16-1-2015 5:00 PM
Scholarly Commons Citation
Sestak, Timothy A., "Developing a Robust Balance for Wingsuit Aerodynamic Research" (2015). Aviation / Aeronautics / Aerospace International Research Conference. 23.
Presentation Slides
Developing a Robust Balance for Wingsuit Aerodynamic Research
Research on wingsuit aerodynamics requires specialized wind tunnel equipment. There is the potential for the relatively large ram-air inflated fabric airfoils being examined to flap and oscillate uncontrolled in the wind tunnel airflow. This chaotic combination of motion and forces could damage the fragile precision balances currently used. Due to the relatively recent development of wingsuit flight as an active sport, there is very little background literature on wingsuit aerodynamics, wingsuit testing, and the equipment and sensors required. A new balance design, able to accurately measure and record basic lift and drag forces while also being able to withstand the potentially destructive unstable response of flexible fabric airfoils at airspeeds of up to 180 knots was required. An additional requirement was introduced by a severely constrained budget supporting this research.
There are several basic and inexpensive wind tunnel balance designs. Commercially available, highly accurate balances can easily cost $100 thousand. Accurate commercial two or three component balances can cost tens of thousands of dollars. For this research simple balance designs were modified to provide a more robust interface. A simple balance design was developed using capacitance sensors with the required accuracy, and inertial damping was added to reduce the potential of forces generated damaging the balance and sensors. A balance was developed for less than $5000 that is capable of generating the data required for credible wingsuit aerodynamic research. The details of design process, components, assembly, and calibration are presented.