Scholarly Commons - Aviation / Aeronautics / Aerospace International Research Conference: Late Morning Concurrent Sessions: Critical Issues: Presentation: A Study on the Localization of Airport Self Bag-Drop Off System in Korea

Late Morning Concurrent Sessions: Critical Issues: Presentation: A Study on the Localization of Airport Self Bag-Drop Off System in Korea


San Tan Ballroom

Topic Area



A Study on the Localization of Airport Self Bag-Drop Off system in Korea

360, Daegok-ri, Haemi-myun, Seosan-si, Chuncheongnam-do, Korea, 356-706

Phone : +82-41-671-6221 Fax : +82-41-671-6228

Kang-Seok, Lee

Professor, Dept. of Air transportation and Logistics, Hanseo Uiversity

E-mail :


Advanced countries in the aviation industry, especially the United States and European Union, develop and commercialize their own Self Bag Drop off(SBD) system integrated with IT convergence technology, dominating the international market. Nevertheless, most of SBD technologies in domestic airports in Korea rely on other countries. It is imperative that internal airport operators introduce the Self Bag Drop-off system and produce, apply, and manage the most optimized SBD system for airports and airlines. Upon analyzing the tendency and operation of the SBD system utilized in leading international airports, The purpose of this paper is conducted to address the localization of the future implementation in domestic airports in Korea.

Start Date

16-1-2016 11:00 AM

End Date

16-1-2016 12:15 PM


Chair: Doug Drury, University of South Australia


Aviation, Localization, Self Bag Drop-off System, SBD Drop-off System, Baggage Handling System, BHS, Passenger terminal, Optimization, Korea, Korean Aviation


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Jan 16th, 11:00 AM Jan 16th, 12:15 PM

Late Morning Concurrent Sessions: Critical Issues: Presentation: A Study on the Localization of Airport Self Bag-Drop Off System in Korea

San Tan Ballroom

A Study on the Localization of Airport Self Bag-Drop Off system in Korea

360, Daegok-ri, Haemi-myun, Seosan-si, Chuncheongnam-do, Korea, 356-706

Phone : +82-41-671-6221 Fax : +82-41-671-6228

Kang-Seok, Lee

Professor, Dept. of Air transportation and Logistics, Hanseo Uiversity

E-mail :


Advanced countries in the aviation industry, especially the United States and European Union, develop and commercialize their own Self Bag Drop off(SBD) system integrated with IT convergence technology, dominating the international market. Nevertheless, most of SBD technologies in domestic airports in Korea rely on other countries. It is imperative that internal airport operators introduce the Self Bag Drop-off system and produce, apply, and manage the most optimized SBD system for airports and airlines. Upon analyzing the tendency and operation of the SBD system utilized in leading international airports, The purpose of this paper is conducted to address the localization of the future implementation in domestic airports in Korea.