
Gabriel Elkinis the Assistant Leader of the Air Traffic Control Systems Group at MIT Lincoln Laboratory. In this role, he oversees research in the areas of aviation cyber security, information architectures and weather sensing technologies. Gabe joined the Laboratory in 1988 as a software engineering subcontractor developing aircraft tracking algorithms, and became a Technical Staff member in the ATC Systems Group in 1996 and later the Weather Sensing Group, where he led the successful development, field testing, and technology transfer of a major processing augmentation to the aircraft surveillance radar (ASR-9PAC) and the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) receiver and data acquisition system.
He also served two field assignments spanning 7 years at the Reagan Test Site (RTS) on the Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands as a command and control systems engineer and field site manager. In between Kwaj tours, he spent 2 years overseeing research in the area of homeland security and disaster preparedness. Prior to joining the Laboratory, Gabe worked at the MITRE Corporation in Bedford, MA, where he developed software systems for surveillance and communication applications. He received a MS from Boston University in Computer Science, and a BS in Applied Math & Computer Science from Union College in Schenectady, NY.