
Tim Mitchell is currently an Electrical Engineer at Boeing with focus on Connected Cargo for the 777-8F using the first implementation of AI/MI on a part 25 certified aircraft. A total of 34 years of experience in HW Circuit Design and Certification, Avionics System Design, New Aircraft Customer Introduction, Field Service, Accident Investigation, Wireless Network Systems and Inventor. Pioneered Blink (BPL) effort at Boeing Field, Renton and Everett Flight Line. Inventor/co-Inventor on 70 Issued US Patents and 1 Meritorious Invention Award. Developed several IP Plans including GATS #181, Autonomy #493, Off board Communications # 200402 and supported Cyber #58 and (Plastic Fiber Optic) POFAN .
5 time National Academy of Science Panelist/Chair, including: 1. ACRP Project Panel 03-75 - Preparing for Hydrogen-Powered Aircraft at Airports 2. Mitigating Disruptive Interference in the Unlicensed Spectrum (W-Fi) at Airports DA0123 Member ; Project 3. Panel/Chair on Improving Intelligibility of Airport Terminal Public Address Systems DA0714. Active Professional Engineering License in AK, AZ, FL, NM, OR, WA & WY. Active PMP Certification.