
Mr. Bajekal is the Senior Technical Fellow, Research, at Collins Aerospace Interiors Advanced Technology and Excellence in Engineering organization. He is the holder of twenty-seven granted patents, author of numerous peer reviewed publications and an invited speaker on wireless and communications topics as applied to aerospace applications. Mr. Bajekal and his teams have been responsible for advanced communications and signal processing architectures ranging from consumer wireless products to broadband (10 GHz) active crosstalk cancellers for internet switch router backplanes.
He chaired the sub working group on co-existence and non-interference of RTCA’s sub-committee 236 that is working to develop the Minimum Operating Performance Standards (MOPS) for Wireless Avionics Intra-Communications (WAIC) systems. The work performed by this group resulted in DO-378 and DO-378A. He has also been active on the SAE Cabin Secure Media Independent Messaging (CSMIM) committee, whose work is scheduled to be published as ARINC 853.