- New Tuition Policies Incite SAC's Rep's Ire
- Seckinger, Miller Garner SGA Executive Positions
- SGA President Returns News of Trustee Meeting
- Students Shine on Pro Engineering Test
- Editorial: Integrity and Objectivity: Part of Student Grading?
- Letters to the Editor
- Open Forum: Deregulation Puts Strain on America's Air Industry
- Orbital Inclinations: Lightning Bolt Zaps NASA Management
- Booster, Payload Lost During Liftoff
- New Scientific Module Launched to Soviet Mir Orbiting Space Station
- Scientists Plan New Mars Explorer
- NASA Requests Safer, More Powerful Solid Rocket Fuel Booster
- Avion Receives Awards at National SCJ Conference
- Outlaws Top Black Sheep in ERAU Softball Match-up
- 1987 Gatornationals: 5.2 and the Skies of Blue!
- Navy/Boeing E-6A Planned Usage Outlined
- NASA to Start 'High Alpha' Tests
- 'Super Cockpit' on the Scene
- 'Magnificent Men' Classic Entertainment Highlighting Aviation's Early Tribulations
- Clubs - Frats - Notices - Classified
- Bobbers Brouhaha Boils, Campus Crisis Continues
- Green Jeans Exposed, Prez Resigns
- Wax Job Leave Flight Line Giddy
- Muckraking Editorial Form
- Aeronautical Engineering Seniors Kept from Graduating due to AIDS Outbreak
- Bored of Trustees Discuss Parking and other Relevant Student Problems
- Abandonberg Launch Complex Adjusting to New Old Vehicle for Polar Orbit Satellite Options
Publication Date
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
College newspapers, College students' writings
Scholarly Commons Citation
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, "Avion 1987-04-08" (1987). Avion. 583.
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