- Tuition up, again
- Homecoming lauded
- Alumni Wedding in Spruance Hall provides opportunity for Avion Reunion
- Editorial
- Letters to the Editor
- Design your own Co-op
- Flash
- Small center provides wealth of information
- Revelation made by Epicure
- Flight Advisory Board meets
- Journalism offered in spring
- Notices
- Homecoming statics display careers in aviation
- Johnstone aids SGA
- Alumni lecture in classes
- Army ROTC competes in the 5th Brigade Ranger Challenge Competition
- AAAE to visit Gulf-stream
- Naval Aviation Club hosts guest speaker
- Sigma Phi Delta
- Sigma Pi goes camping at Ichanatuchy
- Eras
- Ninety-Nines paint the Valkaria airport
- Management Clubs hosts guest speaker
- 'Chancellor' announced by Phoenix yearbook
- Home
- Senior Class Council
- Comedy Commandos refresh capacity crowd
- Speech night approaching
- Lopez brings tales to ERAU
- Piper cadet makes campus debut
- Wrights were first as far as we know
- Death of the DC 10 program announced by McDonnell Douglas
- GAMA demands review of U.S. Aviation Policy
- Electrical Mishap Board reveals findings
- Orbital Inclinations
- Soviet space station crew conducts space walk
- Bush outlines plans for NASA
- Shuttle crew conducts rehearsal
- NASA studies Shuttle-C design
- TDRS-C ready to support shuttle
- Wrestling goes "air borne" on ERAU Prescott campus
- Intramural sports
- ERAU Basketball team's gallant attempt results in narrow defeat
- Concert rocks homecoming
- Record review
- Comics
- Classifieds
- Lopez-Wright Bros
- Wedding
Publication Date
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
College newspapers, college students’ writings
Scholarly Commons Citation
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, "Avion 1988-11-16" (1988). Avion. 778.