"Defense Aerospace in a Protectionist Multipolar World: India and Israel" by Shlok Misra and Tanish Jain

Faculty Mentor

Michele Halleran


The paper studies protectionism in defense aerospace in a multipolar world and analyzes the strategies of two emerging powers: India and Israel. The emergence of protectionism in a multipolar world has left a visible and influential impact in the globally integrated defense industry. As the world has become increasingly multipolar, new military powers have emerged around the world. India and Israel are disparate in terms of their size, wealth, and international relations. There are interesting similarities between them when it comes to their defense strategies. As a result, they also present compelling case studies for understanding protectionism in a multipolar world, specifically in the defense aerospace sector. This paper studies the current strategies adopted by the two nations in their defense aerospace manufacturing sectors. The paper evaluates differences and similarities between the two nations in terms of the issues faced by the defense aerospace sectors of the two nations and the potential that lies ahead for them. In the recommendations made, it was discussed how Israel needs new defense partners to reduce its over dependence on the United States, while India needs to boost manufacturing in its defense aerospace industry through specific tax reforms and bureaucratic reforms. While India and Israel need to regulate the defense aerospace industry to some extent for national security reasons, they should open their industries to other countries and find favorable partners to do so.



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