Research Data Management (RDM) is emerging as an important topic for faculty and other researchers. New policies developed by granting agencies and journals require researchers to provide access to their research data.
ERAU supports faculty, student, and staff researchers who wish to organize, store and provide open access to their datasets in Scholarly Commons, the university’s institutional repository. For more information on providing open access to research data, please contact commons@erau.edu.
- ERAU Data Commons Research Guide https://guides.erau.edu/scholarlycommons/datacommons
- ERAU Data Commons portal https://datacommons.erau.edu/research-data/
Below are datasets published before the launch of Data Commons
Browse the Datasets Collections:
3D Numerical Simulation of Non-Primary Wave Generation from Mountain Wave Breaking over Europe
Assessing the Library Module in a First-Year Orientation Course
Convectively Generated Gravity Waves During Solstice and Equinox Conditions
Flux Tube Entropy and Specific Entropy in Saturn's Magnetosphere
Inferring the Evolution of a Large Earthquake from its Acoustic Impacts on the Ionosphere
Measuring Person-Job Fit and Career Paths of Distance Learning Librarians
Numerical Modeling of Tsunami-generated Acoustic-gravity Waves in Mesopause Airglow
Secondary Gravity Waves Generated by Breaking Mountain Waves over Europe