Scholarly Commons - Digital Commons Southeastern User Group (DC SEUG) 2019: Attention to Detail, Attention to Value: Building Additional Repository Assessment Tools for In-House Reporting

Presentation Format

Short Presentation (30 minutes)


Student Union Events Center - 165 A

Start Date

31-5-2019 3:00 PM

End Date

31-5-2019 3:30 PM


With the bepress repository management software comes some of the most in-depth tools for value assessment among platforms, these include automatically populated data on downloads, metadata page hits, works posted, readership distribution, and referrers. Recent integration with PlumX has allowed for even more granular opportunities for assessing the value of the repository. However, this left us at Kennesaw State University longing for some additional metrics of success. We are housed in the University Library System, where monthly and annual reports are limited to data used to satisfy accreditation needs, such as quantitative reporting on instruction, one-on-one consultations, and brief qualitative narratives.

The Team at the Digital Commons at Kennesaw State University created a more in-depth, in-house mechanism for monitoring monthly repository growth in areas not collected automatically by the bepress platform. These data will then be used for monthly in-house reporting to library administration. We have used 2018 as a case study and will present our initial findings in the hopes that other repository managers will find value in our system and that developers may create more comprehensive reporting tools.


internal reporting, monitoring progress, job security, metrics


Supporting documents will be available post conference.

Additional notes for the event administrators

I will revise my submission (if accepted) before the meet up to upload the full presentation.


May 31st, 3:00 PM May 31st, 3:30 PM

Attention to Detail, Attention to Value: Building Additional Repository Assessment Tools for In-House Reporting

Student Union Events Center - 165 A

With the bepress repository management software comes some of the most in-depth tools for value assessment among platforms, these include automatically populated data on downloads, metadata page hits, works posted, readership distribution, and referrers. Recent integration with PlumX has allowed for even more granular opportunities for assessing the value of the repository. However, this left us at Kennesaw State University longing for some additional metrics of success. We are housed in the University Library System, where monthly and annual reports are limited to data used to satisfy accreditation needs, such as quantitative reporting on instruction, one-on-one consultations, and brief qualitative narratives.

The Team at the Digital Commons at Kennesaw State University created a more in-depth, in-house mechanism for monitoring monthly repository growth in areas not collected automatically by the bepress platform. These data will then be used for monthly in-house reporting to library administration. We have used 2018 as a case study and will present our initial findings in the hopes that other repository managers will find value in our system and that developers may create more comprehensive reporting tools.