This is the virtual exhibit for the Discovery Day, which is hosted by the Office of Undergraduate Research. The event celebrates students, faculty, and staff's research and creative activities at an annual Discover Day Student Research Symposium, where students from across campus present their research, scholarship, and creative works. The Office of Undergraduate Research hosted Virtual Discovery Day 2021. Students from across the university presented their research from this past academic year asynchronously in April 2021 via posters and video presentations. You may click on the individual posters to bring up more information about the submission. Enjoy!
Construction of a Saltwater Battery Powered Soft Robotic Pulsatile Vortex Thruster for Underwater Oceanic Locomotion
The Effects of Veganism on Endurance Running Performance
Development of a Silent Speech Interface for Augmented Reality Applications
Gameplay in Mixed Reality: How It Differs from Mobile Gameplay
Southwest Airlines Flight 1248: A Case Study Using the Human Factors Analysis and Classification System Framework
Tele-Operated Portable Ventilator
Integrated Spacecraft Autonomous Attitude Control (ISAAC)
Emergency Responder Roadside Safety Study and Lighting Demonstration
Assessment of Evacuation Network Performance under Different Evacuation Scenarios in the Florida Keys
Optimizing a One DOF Robot Without a Mathematical Model Using aGenetic Algorithm
Secure Cloud Controlled UAS Operations