
Parimal Kopardekar works as the Principal Investigator of the NASA’s NextGen Airspace Project. Prior to this position, he worked as an Associate Principal Investigator of the Dynamic Airspace Configuration research focus area. In the past, he served as a Project Manager of the Strategic Airspace Usage Project and Sub-Project Manager under Advanced Air Transportation Technologies project. Prior to working at NASA, he worked for the FAA where he conducted research and development activities in the area of air traffic management. He has published numerous journal and conference papers in the area of air traffic management. As an adjunct faculty at Rutgers and Drexel Universities, he taught graduate-level courses.
Dr. Kopardekar holds a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from the University of Cincinnati (1995), an M.S. in Industrial Engineering from the State University of New York at Buffalo (1992); and a B.E. in Production Engineering from the University of Bombay (1989). He is the recipient of the NASA Ames Honor Award for Engineer of the Year (2003), numerous group awards and two best paper awards. He is the author of over 35 publications including technical reports, and journal and conference papers