
Mr. Dallas Brooks is the Director, Raspet Flight Research Laboratory at Mississippi State University and the Associate Director for Research of the ASSURE FAA UAS Center of Excellence (COE). As RFRL Director, he is responsible for all aspects of MSU’s broad spectrum of government and commercial manned and unmanned aviation research, development, test and engineering (RDT&E) programs. As the Associate Director for Research of the ASSURE FAA UAS Center of Excellence (COE), Mr. Brooks leads a coalition of 22 of the nation's leading aviation and unmanned systems research universities to develop technical solutions to address the challenges of safely integrating UAS into the national airspace system. A recognized national leader in unmanned systems integration, Mr. Brooks’ aviation and technical experience spans over 30 years, over 20 of which were in service to America’s armed forces at home and overseas. Mr. Brooks is the Executive Vice Chairman of the National Board of Directors for the Association of Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI). He also serves as co-chair the Federal multi-agency UAS Sense and Avoid Science and Research Panel, supporting the FAA, the DoD, NASA and DHS to identify and solve key sense-and-avoid challenges, as an Executive Committee member of the ASTM F-38 Standards Committee on UAS, as an Executive Committee member of the ASSURE FAA UAS COE, and as a past member of the FAA’s UAS Aviation Rulemaking Committee. He holds Master of Science degrees in Aeronautical Science from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and in Telecommunications from Webster University. He also holds Bachelor’s degrees in Aeronautics and in Business Information Systems.